Heiki Riesenkampf
Heiki Riesenkampf
Heiki Riesenkampf
Venture Partner
Venture Partner
Venture Partner
Heiki is a Venture Partner at Lightbird, where next to working on his own venture, he will continue to support Lightbird's founders in areas such as product, design and engineering. Originally from Estonia, Heiki graduated in Computer Science from ETH in Zurich and has already founded three companies: Mirage (Deeptech), Acapela (Future of Work, backed by notable Angels and Visionaries Club) and Commonbase (LLM infrastructure).
Even outside of work Heiki enjoys high-paced activities - HIIT workouts, wakeboarding, cycling around Berlin and sipping Mimosas with friends on Sundays.
Heiki is a Venture Partner at Lightbird, where next to working on his own venture, he will continue to support Lightbird's founders in areas such as product, design and engineering. Originally from Estonia, Heiki graduated in Computer Science from ETH in Zurich and has already founded three companies: Mirage (Deeptech), Acapela (Future of Work, backed by notable Angels and Visionaries Club) and Commonbase (LLM infrastructure).
Even outside of work Heiki enjoys high-paced activities - HIIT workouts, wakeboarding, cycling around Berlin and sipping Mimosas with friends on Sundays.
Heiki is a Venture Partner at Lightbird, where next to working on his own venture, he will continue to support Lightbird's founders in areas such as product, design and engineering. Originally from Estonia, Heiki graduated in Computer Science from ETH in Zurich and has already founded three companies: Mirage (Deeptech), Acapela (Future of Work, backed by notable Angels and Visionaries Club) and Commonbase (LLM infrastructure).
Even outside of work Heiki enjoys high-paced activities - HIIT workouts, wakeboarding, cycling around Berlin and sipping Mimosas with friends on Sundays.